Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Creating Magic (Part 2)

Basic etiquette is essential in creating a great, lasting impression. Time management is one of the top items on the list the interviewers look at. Punctuality is a MUST! What an impression you make if you are at least 10 minutes early to the interview, all dressed up and ready with a smile on your face.

Acknowledging the people around you goes a long way. Ignoring people is one of the major taboos. You never know who the people you encounter on your way could be. Be courteous and greet whoever it is that comes your way. Regardless of the kind of response you receive, know that such effort will be remembered. If you find it a task to greet, then a simple genuine smile will do. The idea is just to show that you acknowledge their presence. A stranger today could be an important friend tomorrow.

Another major taboo is bad body odor or bad breath. Candidates who enter the room with either or both leave a bad aftertaste. People will not be able to concentrate, and such odor taints not only the interview room, but the interviewer’s mood as well. Your inconsideration is a turn-off and automatically removes you from the list.

Language is a major interview issue in Malaysia. Candidates tend to speak Manglish or make grammatical errors that become an earsore. Learn to adjust to situations. Leave Manglish at the door when you attend an interview. If you are struggling with the English language, be humble enough to acknowledge it and do something about it. Do not allow your prideful ego get in the way. Reading out loud is a simple way to master the language. Speaking proper English will give you an added advantage on top of your good first impression.

Making a great, lasting impression is not tough if you take note of the common, simple mistakes people make in interviews. Learn whatever that is good, and leave the bad habits behind. Confidence and moderation, with a touch of humility will sail you through the first of many hurdles: making a good first impression.

Creating magic is all about common sense. It is putting effort in what you already know. Make the extra mile for the interview and whatever it is in life and expect wonderful, satisfying results. Extra thought and preparation will hone your intuitive style and make every first impression lastingly magical.