Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Interview Taboos: Sins you do not want to commit during a job interview because being jobless equals to a living hell.

There is only one day left before your interview. You go through your list of things to bring and start ticking it out. Formal attire checked, documents needed checked, transportation checked. You think you already have everything on your finger tips. But how about during interview? What are the things you should avoid doing? Especially during intense situation where you are bombarded with tough questions and expected to give the right answers. What are the right answers then? With these thoughts in mind, I bet a lot of you out there have a hard time sleeping at night before your job interview. But fret not, I have listed some of the most important taboos that should be avoided during a job interview.

A) Say the wrong things.

i. Say something different from what is written in your CV (in simple words, lying).
ii. Tell them your weaknesses that will cost you losing the chance of getting the job.
iii. Talk bad about your previous employer.
iv. Over share.

Since the recruiter or HR personnel already have your CV, you should not lie to them by saying something that contradicts what you have written in your CV just to impress them. But if you are honest enough in your CV this is something you should not be worried about.

Usually the interviewers will ask you about your weaknesses or things you would want to improve about yourself. Do not tell them something that you are not good at when it is an essential in the job nature that you are applying for. For example you are applying for a sales position but you tell the interviewer you are a very shy person. You have got to be kidding me! You should not be applying for the job in the first place!

Even when you have had a bad experience in your previous employment NEVER EVER do boss, co-workers or employers bashing. Your experience may be terrible but telling it to anyone is not a good idea. Your interviewers are most likely to see you as the problem not your boss.

Sometimes you will come across very comfortable interviews where you feel very connected to the interviewers. This is good, but remember not to spoil it by thinking both of you are closer than you really are. Do not share about a hot date you had the night before or about recent difficulties in your life (We are HR people not shrinks mind you). Unless it is really necessary to share the difficulties as evidence of your ability to deal with hardship. You can give example of the difficulties you have faced and how you have overcome them.

B) Fashionably late is not the 'in-trend'.

i. Arrive late for the job interview.

When you are late, not only do you waste your interviewers’ time but it also shows your lack of discipline. The interviewer will assume you are not serious enough in getting the job and that will leave a very bad impression of yourself to the organization. If you are stuck in a jam or have a transportation problem, let the HR people know about it so they can probably proceed with other candidates first. To avoid this you must plan your journey to the interview right after you have confirmed the interview session. You should not agree with the time and date of the interview in the first place if you know you will face difficulties getting there on time.

C) Hurt the interviewers eyes.

i. Wear inappropriate clothes.
ii. Chewing gum.

Jeans, too revealing clothes, satin shirt for guys, round neck t-shirts and sandals are definitely not allowed for job interview. Please, please, please stick to suits and formal clothes. Remember to look classy and conservative. Still clueless on how formal attire looks like? Easy, just Google it and you can find many examples of formal wear on the Internet OR you can always refer to Rule 6 in our famous 10 Rules to Nail Your Dream Job.

First, it will be hard for you to speak clearly when you chew a gum. Secondly it will be a distraction for the interviewer, and third it is just very rude. So save the gum for the football game!

By following the tips above I hope it will lead you to the 'right light' and keep you away from the 'fire'. But remember to be yourself and DO NOT lie your way through. Good luck hunters and stay out of trouble!