On April's Fools Day, the roadshow was at Monash University again, this time the audience consist specifically of Mechanical Engineering students. Ray Lim and Nadia Muadzam were the speakers for this edition, conducting a mock interview session towards the end of the presentation to demonstrate and point out some of the major as well as some finer details in an actual interview.
The following day, the roadshow stops by University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)'s Petaling Jaya campus, in possibly the most intimate and casual setting as there was a small audience and rapport was easily established.
The next stop for the roadshow was at Sunway University College, Nadia Muadzam speaking to an auditorium packed with hungry undergraduates at noon time. The crew reflected on how grateful they were for an eager and attentive crowd, but perhaps not as grateful as the crowd as they head off to lunch!
That ends the roadshow series for The 10 Rules to Nail Your Dream Job for January-April, but keep checking back as we will be putting up more articles and relevant information to guide you through the transition phase of study-work! Be a follower of the page and pass along the link to share with your friends!