On The Road: The 10 Rules to Nail Your Dream Job - Part 1
Hi again guys! The following mini-series will be about the roadshows conducted for undergraduates at college campuses, an extension of the tips here about "10 Rules to Nail Your Dream Job" as part of Akar Insan's CSR initiatives.
The roadshow kicked off with the first stop at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in mid-January, with 42 undergraduates from various faculties of IIUM taking part.
It is not too much to say that the session with AIESEC Malaysia is perhaps by far the most hyped. 29 AIESEC members attended the talk held in the excellently-equipped University Malaya and Akar Insan's CEO Mr. Aidil Yunus was speaker for the night!
A week before the Chinese New Year holidays, the roadshow rolls on to Multimedia University (MMU) in Cyberjaya. The speaker for this event was Ray Lim, making his 10 Rules speaking debut.
The beautiful campus of Nottingham University plays host to the next installment of 10 Rules. Their spacey Teaching Block hall housed the record attendance of the 10 Rules roadshow so far; 75 enthused undergraduates poured in to listen to Mr Aidil Yunus' delivery of the workshop.
Ray Lim speaks to the crowd of University Malaya in his second outing as speaker and in the second roadshow visit to UM's campus.
The roadshow rolls on to Monash University, a campus that will be visted a couple more times in Part 2. About 30 undergraduates made up the audience, comprising of the most diversed crowd so far in terms of nationality and race. It is the ultimate goal to reach out to all undergraduates regardless of demographic, and this stop was definitely fulfilling for all involved.
That's all for Part 1 spanning from January to March, catch Part 2 for the following months programs!
Bangsar, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am Ali the headhunter.
I connect great talents with great organizations. Hence they call me the headhunter. If you are looking for a career change, guess what? You've got a friend in me.